
“Geoinformatika, georesurslar, geoekologiya” gənc alim və tələbələrin 9-cu beynəlxalq elmi konfrans
10-13 oktyabr, 2023

7th International Scientific Conference of young scientists and students on "Information technologies in solving modern problems of geology and geophysics"
Institute of Geology and Geophysics (IGG) organizes 7th International Scientific Conference of young scientists and students on "Information technologies in solving modern problems of geology and geophysics". The scientific event is dedicated to the 80th anniversary of IGG and will take place from October 15-18, 2018, in Baku, Azerbaijan.
The aim of the conference is to bring together young researchers from all areas of geology, geophysics.
Areas of interest include:
Areas of interest include:
- New approaches and methods in investigation of the Earth"s crust;
- Information technologies in solving geological and geophysical problems;
- Using advanced technologies in prospecting for minerals;
- Geological events and processes; geological risk assessment.
Accommodation and meal will be covered by the host Organization!
You may participate as a paper presenter, session chair or observer.
Full information is available on the files are shown below.
You may participate as a paper presenter, session chair or observer.
Full information is available on the files are shown below.